Seminar za profesore engleskog jezika

Posted by Educational Centre 07/10/2019 0 Comment(s)

U četvrtak 24.oktobra 2019.g., u trajanju od 15:00h do 18:00h, u hotelu “Podgorica”, održaće se seminar za profesore engleskog jezika u organizaciji preduzeća Educational Centre i izdavačke kuće National Geographic Learning.


Seminar će voditi Mona Siksek, stručni savjetnik i predavač sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u  kreiranju nastave engleskog jezika i obuci profesora.


Teme seminara su:  

  1. Title:  Let’s Speak English…. Not Grammar!!

Abstract:  Learning grammar is commonly seen as the most boring part of learning a language.  Teachers feel much ‘safer’ using deductive grammar practices.  However, by giving learners the opportunities to interact with grammar, not only does it become more memorable but will also be more easily applied to authentic real life situations. In this seminar, we’ll explore how using National Geographic Learning’s Primary series do just this and can help your students become confident users of English and not just grammar.

  1. Title: Write all about it!

Abstract:  Writing is often a neglected skill, mostly because of the lack of time allotted to it.  In this seminar, we will look at basic writing skills and how LIFE 2E supports teachers at all levels in this challenging task through ready-made material available to teachers, as well as offering many other possibilities through its unique and captivating images. 


U cilju što kvalitetnije organizacije samog seminara obavezno je da potvrdite učešće, molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate telefonom na broj 020 655 029, ili na našu e-mail adresu najkasnije do 18.10.2019.g.

Broj mjesta je ograničen.